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2010-01-06 16:10   
四川人民艺术剧院原名西南人民艺术剧院,成立于1953年元旦,是以话剧为主体业务的艺术剧院之一。   50年来,创作、演出古今中外 剧目360余部,演出近10000场,观众超千万人次,巡回演出的足迹遍及华夏大地,深受观众的喜爱、专家的好评。 演出的中外名剧有《家》、《雷雨》、《抓壮丁》、《克里姆林宫》、《中锋在黎明前死去》、《伪君子》、《朱丽小姐》等。   剧院编创的优秀剧目有《一个木工》、《丹风朝阳》、《红岩》、《赵钱孙李》、《月琴与小老虎》、《重庆谈判》、《母女风流》等。近十年来,剧院的创作氛围异常活跃,陆续推出《辛亥潮》、《老皇城》、《巴山情》、《船过三峡》、《脊梁》、童话剧《娇娇女王》、青春音乐剧《未来组合》、《未来蔚蓝》、《人生天地间》、中英合排的《我们曾经错过》、《好女儿》以及《警察》、《草房子》等,为纪念中国话剧百年诞辰,剧院隆重推出了大型史诗话剧《农民》。以上创作剧目多次荣获文化部文华奖、五个一工程奖等国家大奖和应邀参加国际戏剧艺术节。  四川人艺是全国最早涉入电视节目制作的艺术院团,1985年即成立电视部,现更名为电视制作中心。共创作、摄制、配译了几百部集电视剧,获得嘉奖表彰的有《红岩》、《沉默的情怀》、《女律师》、《闪光的国徽》、《漫漫征程》等。由剧院配译的日本电影《熊》获全国飞天奖。近年来还摄制出品了较有影响的大型连续剧《钦差大臣》、《最后的子弹》和即将推出的《中国兄弟连》。中心已成为盘活剧院资源的重要部门。   剧院在话剧艺术建设和电视创作摄制上的成就,为丰富巴蜀文化增添了光彩,为繁荣文化事业和精神文明作出了积极的贡献,并造就了一大批著名的剧作家、导演、演员、舞美师等。他们共同建设了剧院这个枝繁叶茂、姹紫嫣红、人才荟萃、熠熠生辉的艺术殿堂。 SICHUAN PEOPLE’S ART THEATRE Being one of the art theatres specialized mainly in plays, Sichuan People’s Art Theatre, originally named The Southwest People’s Art Theatre was officially established in 1953. The recent 50 years have witnessed the theatre performing 360 dramas, with approximately 10,000 shows and an audience of over 10million person times, touring all over China, receiving favorable comments from audience and experts. The excellent contemporary plays from home and abroad presented by the theatre cover The Bell Ringing at the Kremlin, Family, The Press-gang, Thunderstorm, Hypocrite, the Centre Forward Died before the Dawn, and Miss Julie. The dramas produced or adapted by the theatre include the following: A Carpenter, Red Phoenix’s Loyalty to the Sun, Hongyan, Zhao Qian Sun Li, Yueqin and A Little Cub, the Negotiation in Chongqing, and Admirable Mother and Daughter. Recent ten years see an unusually active creative atmosphere at the theatre. One after another, it produced the Tide in 1911, Old Royal City, Love of Bashan, Sailing through the Three Gorges, The Back-bone, fairy tale play Jiaojiao the Queen, musical for the youth Farewell Seventeen, The Bright Future, Born into the World, the Sino-British co-produced You Once Passed Me By, Dutiful Daughter, and Police, and A Thatched Memory, etc. To Mark the centennial anniversary of western play in China, the theatre ceremoniously presents a grand epic play Peasants. The above plays won time after time national prizes such as the Wenhua Award, and Five Number One Project by the Cultural Ministry, and were invited to participate in international Drama Art Festival. Among all the Chinese theatres, Sichuan People’s Art theatre is the first theatre engaged in TV programme production. In 1985, the TV Department, now TV Production Centre, was founded. Since then, over several hundred TV plays have been produced and dubbed. The ones won commendation or award include Hongyan, the Reserved Affection, Lawyeress, Shining National Emblem, and Long Journey, etc. The Japanese film Bear, dubbed by the theatre, won the national Feitian Awards. Recently made grand TV series The Imperial Envoy Minister, Last Bullet, and The Chinese Company of Heroes that is soon to be presented are influential. The Centre has now become a key department to fully utilize the resources of the theatre. The exploration of the theatre in stage art, together with its achievements in TV production enriches Bashu culture, and contributes greatly to a prosperous cultural cause and construction of spiritual civilization, and at the same time trains large quantities of well-known dramatists, directors, performers, choreographers, etc. They collectively turn the theatre into a flourish art palace.
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